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Hi, My name is Jessica van Horssen and as long as I remember it was not easy in life to be a 100% myself. Growing up as a neurodivergent I had to mask my way through childhood. By the time i was 15 I got depressed and decided to leave high school to find myself. And I did!


From then on I made it my mission to live as authentically as possible and during my years in business school I learnt that I could help others do the same. I combine my skills, knowledge and experience as a (former) social worker, coach, sales manager, brand strategist, markteer and copywriter to help businesses find their unique voice, their unique expression and become the authentic version of themselves.

I know from experience, and my clients can tell you the same that when you align with the real essence of your business, magic happens! The energy comes back, in case you felt stagnant, you get into a flowstate and your business grows in a sustainable way. Curious? Let's have a (virtual) coffee. I am either in The Netherlands, Haarlem or traveling with my daughter. But always happy to connect to see in which way I can help you.

Send me a DM on LinkedIn, or fill in the contact form below to get in touch with me.


Our Creative Collective

To achieve maximum results; I obviously do not work alone. I am surrounded by a group of senior freelancers who align with my mission and vice versa. We are all independent, yet we form a creative collective with similar values and ways of working.

We all believe in the new way of doing business. Which means we are honest, loyal and act out of integrity. We do not fake it till we make it, but we show up consistently and admit whenever we don't know something. We really care about our clients and that shows! 

Check out their awesome work to see if you like it!


Denemarkenstraat 90, 2034AD The Netherlands

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